Learn from your mistakes and so will your child!!

09 Mar 2017
Learn from your mistakes and so will your child!!-R for Rabbit

A child is a reflection  of  his parents,which makes their actions very crucial for child's mind development.

In one  of these early stages, your children  learn lot of new things and  while learning they might make mistakes. Though  it seems insignificant & natural that  parents responsibility is to correct the mistake, it's  the approach  of correction that matters. Your  reaction  and  approach  makes the valuable lesson at the  early  stages of their mind development. Children who are taught from an early age to admit to their mistakes understand that it's not a crime to make one.

Different  children have different tendency to react.Some children  learn  from  their  mistake  and  show  positive  approach. While  some  have  low  esteem  mind  set and  react  very  differently,  they  feel  humiliation which  might  end up  in  devaluing themselves. Some  may even show anger  and react  harshly. The child  with low esteem might  get  emotional and  have tendency to quit  the  task  or  not to  do that  task  again. It is very important to understand your child  and  see how they are  reacting towards mistakes.

Help  your  young one by  teaching them  right  values. Teach them mistakes  are part  of  life  and  everyone does them. Show  them  how  to  approach  the  mistake  by  owning up to your own mistake and giving practical  examples. It is important for  you  to teach the approach and  strategy   to turn mistakes into learning opportunity. This  will  encourage children,  maintain their self esteem and make them more  responsive towards their committed mistakes rather than being  reacting or devaluing themselves.

These are among the few important lessons, taught at the  beginning  of  the mind development  which will prove it's  worth for lifetime.